felt something grab my hat, and I heard the flutter of wings, he said. felt it again and I turned around and there was a blackbird there, and it kept circling my head until I was out of its range. It was bizarre.

He had unknowingly encroached on the territory of a male red winged blackbird. The bird attacked him again on his way back and dive bombed two other joggers and an unsuspecting cyclist.

He tried to warn other pedestrians about the danger ahead. told everyone who was coming, ‘There this bird. It going to attack,’ and I don think anyone believed me.

Mosby, a post doctoral fellow in history at McMaster, isn the only one in the city to have fallen prey to a red winged blackbird recently. The same day, a user on the online social forum Reddit wrote he was attacked by the same species of bird on the West Railpath.

I (ran) away like a little girl, he said.

In Ottawa last week, a red winged blackbird was caught on video guarding Parliament Hill and pouncing on passersby. The Hill Bird has since reappeared on Twitter.

Justin Peter, communications director at the Toronto Ornithological Club, said most male red winged blackbirds won attack humans, Canada Goose Outlet but some may be especially aggressive now because it is their breeding season. The female, which can be recognized by its streaky brown plumage, is low key and doesn attack, he said.

from what I seen (the males) strike people on the top or back of the head, he said. being careful not to put themselves in harm way, to deliver the maximum blow with the least risk to themselves.

Red winged blackbirds are one of the most abundant species of bird in North America and typically nest in marshy areas and near water, he said. In Toronto, he said one could expect to find them near the lakeshore and in High Park.

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