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After signing in and casting a vote it was time for the very scary trek back out through the crushing crowds to find a way out. I couldn’t help but think that had there been a fire, many people would have been trampled, crushed and killed. I was so relieved when I saw an exit sign. I made it out to the main hall and spied a stairway. I took that and was happy to be on the busy main floor. I never was so happy to leave a building.

Where were the fire marshals? I’m quite sure the halls are not that crowded when students are there. And I’m sure they have fire drills and know where the exits are.

I heard the reason we don’t have a primary instead in Minnesota with several hours in a day for people to vote instead of everyone crowding into a few buildings for a short period of time is because the heads of parties lobby the Legislature to keep the caucuses. Too bad they’re not more concerned about what’s convenient and safer for the public.

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